I will receive the benefits should anything happen but I was just informed that I too will be drug tested for this. I have a numerical 4.0 GPA and it is expected of me by my parents to go to a good college but at times I vaporize marijuana or consume it through tea or food and also take adderall which I am not prescribed for.
My first question is why am I being drug tested if that doesn't affect the liability that my parents are to the company and also, what happens if both of those show up positive? The last time I consumed THC would be 4 weeks before the drug test and the adderall would be 8 days.
I seriously doubt you're going to be drug tested. If you're having a life insurance child rider put on your parents' life insurance policy, that won't make you get tested. They won't be able to insure you for much more than funeral costs at your age.
So I have no idea why you'd be drug tested, unless your parents think you're taking drugs, or just want to screen for it - smart, on their part. And yes, it could still show up.
I believe thc and adderall may be out of your system by 28 days after your last usage. However, it may depend on how often you use and how much you use.
Here's how you can learn more about life insurance drug tests and what you may expect when taking the drug test for life insurance.