There are many very good life insurance carriers that offer affordable senior life insurance plans.
Some of the better-known senior life insurance companies include Colonial Penn, Mutual of Omaha, Prudential, Globe Life, and AARP/NewYork Life, among others.
However, each person has their own set of personal risk factors, and each insurer has their own set of guidelines for pricing and acceptance of an applicant for life insurance coverage.
So, there is no one best insurer for all seniors as some insurance companies may offer better plans for seniors who are overweight, smokers, or diabetics, while other insurers may be more competitive for seniors between the ages of 65 to 75.
That’s why it’s important to compare senior life insurance plans and carriers before choosing your life insurance policy.
When comparing plans make sure to consider:
- When does full life insurance coverage start?
- How long is the rate guaranteed to remain the same?
- How long does the life insurance coverage amount remain the same?
- When does the life insurance coverage end?
- What is the financial strength rating of the insurance company?
Here’s how to learn more and compare the best senior life insurance companies today.