If so, you may want to consider your situation, and what your life insurance needs are, including how much income you are, what financial responsibilities you have, and how much it would take to replace your income in case you were to die.
Also, how much life insurance do you really need, what can you afford to pay for life insurance, and how long will you need life insurance.
If you need lifetime coverage, then a permanent life insurance policy may be the answer. However, permanent life insurance cost a lot more than term life insurance.
At age 50, you may be able to qualify for a 20, 25 or 30 year term life insurance plan. Term life costs much less than permanent life insurance which means you get more life insurance protection for your money.
So, if you are on a budget and 30 years of life insurance may fit your needs, then a 30 year term life insurance policy may be a good idea.
Or, you may want a small permanent life insurance plan to help pay for your final expenses, such as a funeral and burial, and also purchase a larger term life insurance policy to provide protection for your shorter term needs of 30 years, or less.
Here's how you can learn more about life insurance for people age 50 and over, and compare instant life insurance rates online.