Some life insurance carriers allow you to get an instant quote for life insurance coverage and apply for a life insurance policy with no health exam required.
The insurer basis your acceptance off of the answers you give to the health questions asked, in addition, to the answers you provide on the application which you can fill out online.
Make sure to answer all questions honestly, as lying on the application may be cause for a claim to be turned down by the insurance company if you were to die within the first 2 years of being insured.
In addition, most life insurance plans provide up to a 30 day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your life insurance policy.
Online life insurance plans usually provide term life insurance coverage which is life insurance for a period of 10, 15, 30 or 30 years. Your rate is usually guaranteed to remain the same for the entire "term" of your policy.
If you have questions when applying for the policy they usually provide you with an email address or toll-free number to get assistance with your questions and to help you with your application for life insurance.
Here's how you may apply online for a life insurance policy now.