Some life insurance companies may offer up to $350,000 or more of life insurance without any health exams.
Here is the maximum amount of life insurance available by carrier:
Fidelity Life - Up to $499,000
National Life Group - Up to $350,000
Garden State Life - Up to $250,000
Globe Life - Up to $30,000
Whether or not you qualify for any of these life insurance plans will depend on your answers to the health questions asked when you apply for the life insurance coverage.
You can get a free quote and apply online for no exam life insurance. If approved, you may be able to start your life insurance coverage as soon as today, depending on the insurer you choose for coverage.
For instance, National Life Group offers immediate life insurance coverage for those who qualify. And, there's a money-back guarantee.
In addition, you may be able to apply for more than one life insurance policy, so you may qualify to purchase coverage from several no exam life insurance companies.
Learn more about life insurance companies with no exams required.