However, people usually buy life insurance because they have a need for financial protection.
For example, people may buy life insurance because there is someone who relies on them for financial support.
You may want to buy life insurance to provide financial security for your spouse, children, relatives, business partner, family or friends. Others may buy life insurance to leave money to a charity or religious organization.
Many times someone with a family will buy life insurance so that the money can be used to replace the person's income if he/she dies, to pay off the mortgage, pay off credit cards debt, or any other debt, to provide your your child's college education, pay for living expenses, money for your spouse's retirement, etc.
There are many reasons to buy life insurance, but it's important to buy it before you need it because it may be too late then, depending on your health and finances.
Hee's how you can buy life insurance today, if you qualify.