When you apply for a life insurance policy you may be required to take a paramed exam in your home, or you may need a physical examination from a doctor.
The exam is paid for by the life insurance company.
Whether or not you have to take an exam may depend on your age, health, the amount of life insurance being requested, and the guidelines of the insurance company.
The exam may check your blood pressure, ask some health questions, and take a blood and/or urine sample.
Life insurance rates and acceptance are based in part on your current health and how long you are expected to live. Your health exam will help the insurance company to determine if they should insure you for life insurance and what rate they should charge you for your coverage based on your health and other factors.
In addition, there are life insurance plans that do not require a physical exam, just some health questions. Here's how you can learn more about a life insurance medical exam and how it works.