Why don't women do the same? Is it because a woman's life is worth less?
No, it may just be because men make a higher income on average than women, or the men insured are the breadwinners in the family and the family needs the man;s income protected in case he were to pass way.
But, women often may be uninsured or under-insured because a woman's monetary contribution to the family in the way of everything a homemaker does for her family may be under-estimated.
I read an article this week that indicated the average cost of a homemaker would be around $92,000 per year to pay for everything a homemaker does for her family. With this figure in mind, it is very likely many women are not properly insured, whether they earn an income, or are homemakers providing a much-needed service for their family.
One way to determine how much life insurance husbands and wives need is to use a life insurance calculator. You just answer a few basic questions and instantly receive an accurate estimate of your life insurance needs.