Yes, life insurance medical exams may test your blood or urine for illegal drugs, which may include marijuana, THC, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.
If THC is found, can the company do anything with that information?
If THC is found in your system the information will probably be shared with the M.I.B. (Medical information Bureau). However, I do not believe the insurer shares this information with anyone else.
If illegal substances are found in your system, the insurance company will probably decline you for life insurance coverage.
However, in some states medical marijuana is legal, and if you have a prescription, you may be able to prove to the insurance company you were taking the marijuana legally. Some life insurance companies do insure people who smoke marijuana.
In addition, there are life insurance carriers that offer life insurance with no testing of blood or urine. Learn more about term life insurance no blood tests and find out if you qualify to buy up to $300,000 of life insurance without any medical exam, blood or urine testing.