That depends on several factors, including your age and health, and the insurance company you go to for coverage.
Some insurers may offer up to $50,000 of life insurance without requiring you to take any type of exam.
While others may offer up to $300,000 of simplified life insurance without a physical.
And, you may be able to buy life insurance policies from more than one insurance carrier without any health exam.
However, the overall cost may be lower if you buy the entire amount of life insurance protection from the same insurer.
But, if you really don;t want to take a physical, and you can afford the premiums, you may want to consider buying a $300,000 no exam life insurance policy from one carrier, and another no exam life insurance plan from a different insurance company.
Usually, there are some health questions you will need to answer when you apply for life insurance without an exam. Your answers will help the insurance carrier determine of you qualify for a policy.
Once approved, you may be able to start your life insurance the same day.
Learn how to find the best price no physical exam for life insurance.