There must be ways to pass nicotine tests, too.
Let's assume I smoke the day before the test and need help passing a blood and urine test. Is there a way to pass a nicotine test in a short period of time?
The best approach is honesty on your application for life insurance. Make sure you let them know you have smoked in the last year and how often you smoke.
Why? Because, if you die within the first two years of being insured for life insurance they can contest the claim, and not pay, if you died from smoking, and did not let the insurance company know you were a smoker. This is called material misrepresentation and may void your life insurance policy.
However, there are life insurance companies that offer life insurance protection without any health examination, blood, urine or tobacco tests.
And, you can get a free quote and apply online in minutes.
If you are approved, you may start your life insurance policy the same day.
Learn more about term life insurance with no exam required and find out if you qualify today.