The answer depends on your personal situation and your life insurance needs.
The two basic types of life insurance are term life and permanent life insurance.
Permanent life insurance is better for long-term, lifetime needs. It provides lifetime coverage and may build up some cash value inside the life insurance policy over time, from which you may take a loan.
Term life insurance provides temporary protection for up to 30 years, or until you reach a certain age, such as, age 65 or 70.
Term life costs a lot less which means you can afford to buy more life insurance protection for your family with term life.
Common terms or durations of coverage for term life policies are 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection.
In addition, many people choose to buy both a permanent life insurance policy for their lifetime needs, and a 20 or 30 year term life insurance policy for their shorter term needs, such as, raising and providing for their family until the kids are grown up or the house is paid off.
Learn more about term life insurance vs permanent life insurance plans.