For instance, each life insurance company has their own approach to underwriting a risk for life insurance, and their own set of rates based on your personal factors for risk.
In addition, your own personal factors will affect your premiums, including your age, gender, health, family health history, occupation, hobbies, driving record, if you smoke or not, etc.
These risk factors will all have an impact on how long you are expected to live, your longevity.
The longer you are expected to live, the lower your rate for life insurance coverage.
Also, the type and amount of life insurance will affect your cost of coverage.
The larger the amount of life insurance, the higher the premium.
And, whole life insurance costs a lot more than term life insurance because whole life provides lifetime protection, whereas, term life is temporary for a specific period of time - 10, 15, 20 or 30 years, or until you reach age 65 or 70, usually.
One way of determining how much your life insurance will cost is to compare free life insurance quotes online from several insurers at once.