The amount of life insurance you qualify for may depend on several factors, including your age, health, occupation, hobbies, lifestyle, and the insurance company guidelines for someone with your risk factors for life insurance.
Basically, the younger you are and the healthier you are, the higher the amount of life insurance you may qualify for, subject to your annual income.
Life insurance companies take into consideration your risk factors, but also how much money you make to determine how much life insurance you may buy.
Usually, a life insurance carrier will limit the amount of life insurance you can buy to around 10 to 20 times your annual income.
They do this so you aren't overinsured, since life insurance policies do pay out a death claim for suicide if you have been insured for 2 or more years, one year in some states like Colorado.
However, the easiest way to find out how much life insurance you may buy is to request free, instant life insurance quotes online and see how much they offer you for coverage.