If so, here's a few tips you can use to help get lower your premiums for life insurance:
1. Multiple Policy Discount - Place your life insurance with an insurer you already have insurance through; such as, your auto or home insurance carrier.
2. Reduce Coverage Amount - Make sure you have the right amount of life insurance by using a life insurance calculator to determine your needs. You may have more than you really need, and you may want to consider lowering the amount of coverage you have.
3. Term Life - Term life insurance costs a lot less than whole life insurance, and if you only need coverage for a period of 30 years or less, it may be a good option for you to consider.
4. Compare Rates - You can compare multiples life insurance rate quotes online from a network of leading insurers in just a few minutes with no obligation. This may help you find a lower price on your coverage.
Keep in mind, the younger and healthier you are when purchasing your life insurance, the lower your premium.
Also, if you have quit smoking or lost weight you may qualify for lower rates from your life insurance carrier, so consider asking for a re-rate of your policy.