I have been offered the option to get $100,000 of life insurance protection for 16 dollars a month, $200,000 for 32 dollars a month or $300,000 for 48 dollars a month.
I am a male age 19, I smoke and my family has a history of cancer. These are also the rates for a family plan because I have a two year old daughter. Are these good rates or should I look else where?
You may want to first consider getting health insurance for both you and your daughter, and make sure you have your retirement account fully funded, first.
The rates mentioned above do not appear to be the most affordable plans available for a 19 year old.
You should be able to buy up to $250,000 of 20 year term life insurance for around $125 a year. Also, compare rates for a 30 year term life insurance plan.
Make sue you are comparing life insurance quotes among several highly-rated life insurance companies in order to help you find the most affordable life insurance coverage.