Level term means you pay a level premium for a certain number of years and you have a level amount of life insurance for that period of time.
Level term policies may last for a term (duration) of 1-30 years, but most plans offer coverage for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.
Level term offers you the option to renew your policy at expiration, for another 10 year term, if you have the renewability option for your policy.
Level term is the most popular type of term life insurance coverage purchased in the US.
Level term costs a lot less than permanent life insurance because it is temporary and does not build cash value inside of the life insurance policy.
There are many reasons people buy level term insurance, including to payoff a mortgage loan, pay for child's education, replace your income, provide for your spouse's retirement, pay off credit card debt, provide for your family's living expenses, etc.
If you have a need for life insurance of 30 years or less, level term life insurance is the most affordable type of coverage available to meet that need.
Learn more about Level Term Insurance and request your free quotes today.