I currently have State Farm but was wondering if there’s a better life insurance company out there other than them.
There is no one best life insurance company for all situations. If there was, then there would be only one company for life insurance.
Each life insurance company has their own pricing and underwriting guidelines for approval, based on many factors, including the type and amount of life insurance offered.
In addition, some insurance companies have expertise insuring the lives of certain types of risk for life insurance, including people over 50, smokers, diabetics, or high risk applicants, for example.
Also, your own personal risk factors will impact your price and acceptance for life insurance.
Several of the most important risk factors for life insurance include your age, gender, health, family health history, hobbies, occupation, height-to-weight ratio, lifestyle, if you smoke or not, driving record, credit history, drug use, etc.
That's why it's important to compare life insurance quotes among several highly-rated life insurance carriers before choosing the best life insurance plan to protect your family.
Each year the III.org (Insurance Information Institute) issues a list of the top life insurance companies from the previous year. Here's how you can review the best life insurance companies and their financial strength ratings before you compare life insurance rates and plans.